How To Be A Member Of The Donelson Red Hat Honeys
- Each of our members needs to be a member of The Donelson Senior Citizen Center or Other SCI Inc., Group.
- The cost to join the center is $60.00 a year. This includes all the activities and perks at the center. Our group was form and based out of the center for the center members.
- We have a $2.00 a month operation fee for our group that is paid in six months intervals. To cover mailings, charter membership, and internet website, etc,
- We meet the second Thursday of each month.
- We are required to wear Red Hats and Purple attire to each gathering. Pink Hatter will wear the Pink Hats and Lavender attire.
Our Vice Queen Mother calls all members and gives details of meetings when necessary. The Queen writes monthly new letters and either emails or mails to members.
- We also do special outings monthly other than our regular meeting date.
- We welcome Pink Hatters also. Pink Hatters are Ladies under 50 who wear Pink Hats and Lavender Dresses.
- Ladies over 50 wear Red Hats and Purple Dresses, Tops, Pants and Skirts.
- Your Birthday month you reverse your attire and wear Purple Hat, Red Dress, Lavender Hat, and Pink Dress.
- We also have a group we call the PM group these are our ladies who still work in the day time and we try and scheduled outing at night for them and we also have Saturday outings also.
- Our group also has an Outreach Ministry. Examples we visit VA Hospital, Nursing Homes, Collect clothes for battered women shelter, collect items for humane society, and lots more.
- Because we are based out of the Donelson Senior Citizen Center we can use the Van for outings, use the facilities for meetings, invite guest speakers, have fashion shows, schedule trips with Fountain Tours, have use of in house Caters and lots more.
- We are a charter member of The Official Red Hat Society - Chapter 4424.
- Our offical candy bar is
- Our offical cereal is
- The Donelson Senior Citizen Center is located at 108 Donelson Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37214. Telephone No: 615-883-8375
Monday – Friday, 8:00a.m. – 8:00p.m.